RE:Follow Gandhian ways, LTTE - stop killing innocent people
by gopal gopal on Mar 10, 2008 03:02 PM Permalink
do u know gandhi supported discrimination..
RE:Follow Gandhian ways, LTTE - stop killing innocent people
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 03:08 PM Permalink
gandhi also didnt believe in weapons. which is the basic trait of gandhi.
RE:Follow Gandhian ways, LTTE - stop killing innocent people
by selva babu on Mar 10, 2008 03:02 PM Permalink
hey idiot, dont just copy and put the same messages again and again. Noone interested to come at your side. All the guys in forum trying to change your way thinking. JUST understand and go for prayer if you are real muslim...!!! You will be relaxed atleast.!!!!