LTTE did not help Indian where they could have. LTTE was really strong in many aspects like intelligence. Did LTTE ever helped passing the secret info about the ISLAMIC terrorist attacks? answer is no. so many attacks on Hindu temple and LTTE had the info about that but they did not help Hindus, they just kept themself too busy in fighting with srilankan army and taking help from Islamic Terrorists.
by prasad dp on Feb 03, 2009 03:23 PM Permalink
its very necessary to solve their own problem first.How many times we talked about their welfare
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 10:04 AM Permalink
But, how you are so sure, that LTTE had info about the islamic terrorist attacks? I'm clueless. I guess, their intelligence is around sri lanka. I'm not really sure, whether they have any idea about the islamic terrorists.