India's foreign policy is controlled by the Commmunist goons. And they are getting enough and more attention in the media. Who oppose the deal? Answer is very simple COMMUNISTS. It has nothing to to Hyde acts. IT HAS SOME THING TO WITH HATE TOWARDS THE US. THESE SOBs ARE LIVING IN COLD WAR ERA. WHO GAINS? NOT THE PEOPLE OF INDIA. THIS HELPS CHINA AND PAKISTAN. THEY ARE LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.
RE:Who control the India's foreign policy?
by JGN on Mar 04, 2008 09:34 PM Permalink
Mr. Raj, people like you are good for anything other than ridiculing the Communists? Do you think that India is a State of USA to abide by their domestic laws?
Do you know that the same USA has threatened us by moving their Seventh Fleet to Bay of Bengal during 1971 war with West Pakistan? It was the timely action of Egypt (by closing Suez Canal) that prevented US from taking part is the war during 1971. US (or any country for that matter) have no permanent enemies. They only have permanent interests. That is the basic principle of diplomacy! History will repeat itself as a farce if we do not learn from past mistakes.
RE:RE:Who control the India\'s foreign policy?
by Harimau Iyer on Mar 05, 2008 08:41 AM Permalink
"Do you know that the same USA has threatened us by moving their Seventh Fleet to Bay of Bengal during 1971 war with West Pakistan? It was the timely action of Egypt (by closing Suez Canal) that prevented US from taking part is the war during 1971. US (or any country for that matter) have no permanent enemies. They only have permanent interests. That is the basic principle of diplomacy!"
After saying nations don't have permanent snsmiss, only permanent interests, you are quoting the 1971 incident to suggest that India should maintain permanent enmity with the US.
If you cannot construct two sentences in a row with consistent logic, you should not be allowed out on your own, let alone be posting on issues.
RE:RE:Who control the India's foreign policy?
by Harimau Iyer on Mar 05, 2008 08:45 AM Permalink
"Do you know that the same USA has threatened us by moving their Seventh Fleet to Bay of Bengal during 1971 war with West Pakistan? It was the timely action of Egypt (by closing Suez Canal) that prevented US from taking part is the war during 1971. US (or any country for that matter) have no permanent enemies. They only have permanent interests. That is the basic principle of diplomacy!"
After quoting the 1971 Bay of Bengal incident with the 7th Fleet in support of permanent enmity between India and the US, you say that nations have only permanent interests, not permanent enemies.
If you cannot construct three sentences in a row without contradictions, you should not be posting on international issues.
RE:Who control the India's foreign policy?
by Raman Krishnan on Mar 04, 2008 10:38 PM Permalink
The question here is where does the commie's loyalties lie? India or the republic of china. Based on their statements, you would strongly consider the latter.