Hyde act will not matter as long as Indo-US ties are strong. We need to have a very strong India lobby in Washington just like Israel. Americans are already dazzled by India. They depend on India for world class engineering and service indistries. Nothing will be an impedement as long as we give up our hang up about Arabs, Iranians and to some extent Russians. Just say yes, baby. France get more than 70% of electricity from nuclear source. With US technology we can do even better. Just dump the commies and call a snap election.
RE:Hyde act will not matter
by You yourself on Mar 04, 2008 10:59 PM Permalink
If you are right about US dependence on India, we don't need any treaties. We can tell them what to do. At least we should be trying to.
RE:Hyde act will not matter
by Minto on Mar 04, 2008 11:22 PM Permalink
If we play it right, ties will be strong and remain strong. In USA, you just need to give contribution to presidential candidates, members of senate and congress. Give ample contribution and you will have access to them all the time. NRIs can India can play the role of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) for India. That is the group we need to target.