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by tajender on Jun 21, 2008 06:25 PM   Permalink

no taliban ever fired a single shot on america.they want peace.drug mafia of new york lead by zoinists forced bush to attack afghanistan so that opium can be grown &counntry can be converted into a narcotic state.they have succeeded in it 93%of opium now come from afghanistan.afghans gets 4million only remaining 50 billion goes to that mafia.pakistan has no power or will to disturb india because of their political&economic situation.this news must have come from hindu jehadis to gain support among people.

america is curse of hour not need.due to their selfish policies they r providing recruits to terrorists.people were behind musharraf.but due to his anti people policies &continous killing of innocents by coalation forces common people have turned against him.

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Musharraf should resign, say Pakistanis