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take the teachings of sikh guru
by susi soni on Jun 20, 2008 10:58 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

guru taj bahadur should be inspiring man mohanji, who boldly faced the moghul and never converted, so why convert in duress to the west. be bold , and ask for the safety of india. it is the second largest popolation, we cannot afford aweak PM. A small boy guru gobind was brave why not man mohan singh.

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  RE:take the teachings of sikh guru
by Proud Hindustani on Jun 20, 2008 11:11 PM   Permalink
Unfortunately such heroes were marginalized by Nehru and clan and Congressites for 50 plus years.

Today for such a person to rise again has been made almost impossible by the corrupt politicians.
He will be killed. ONLY an army general can do it. The retired Army officers must get active in the political system.

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