Con-gress and Commies can't hoodwink the people at every stage. Read Aleksander Solzhenitzyn to learn about the horrors of Communism.
It is Nehruvian-Stalinism that is keeping India from becoming a first rate nation. According to the contorted logic of commies, the fault is always with the honest, hard working, and non-violent people. The murderous naxalite becomes the "victim", ha!!
I don't see any of these Commie authors sparing even a word of sympathy for the countless policemen killed by naxals, or their wives and children. According to them, only terrorists have human rights!!
Since all the bright students in India enter science stream and go on to become engineers, IT professionals and medical doctors, there is nothing left for dumbasses like this author but to suck up to white man hoping for crumbs. Worse than a dog, at least the dog is faithful. These commie morons are the worst traitors.
All of you Rediff readers, please don't support Commies. Don't give any money to Commie "charities" like AID or Asha for Education. Warn all your friends too about these cancerous entities.