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What a shame you are
by Padmavathi Madduru on Jun 20, 2008 10:17 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Mr Singh,
What a shame you are.
You are just threatening everyone with your negative attitude.
And you are infact reflecting your own failure as the leader of the nation. You just found a lame reason to sum-up your own failure as a leader.
Its sooner better than later you do it. So that we may have a someone with a back borne to the job.

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  RE:What a shame you are
by Visweshwar Ganesh on Jun 20, 2008 10:21 AM   Permalink
shame on u padmavathi!! if you are typing this horrible comment today u must thank MM singh for his economic liberation policy. You have taken your freedom o expression for granted

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  RE:What a shame you are
by abi on Jun 20, 2008 11:11 AM   Permalink
This kind of talk should not come from a top indian economist. He can fill the loopwholes in that agreement instead of accepting blindly as it is.

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  RE:What a shame you are
by shiva ns on Jun 20, 2008 10:32 AM   Permalink
I agree with Padmavathi.... May be he has done economic liberation policy... thats long back.... not in last four years.. He is not the only one who can take credit of that success. But look at him as a PM for last four years. Has he done anything for country? More than his photo, Sonia was famous in media. For a to z, he has to beg permission from Sonia. that is shame as a PM. all chamcha giri for gaddi and such cheap dynastic politics from congis..
If now he can raise a voice against his own party, what he was doing for last four years. Its only crocodile tears for upcoming elections... nothing else

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal