That it took a matter concerning international deal to move the PM to stop playing second fiddle. The PM has a clear vision and obviously understands the (interim) long term benefit. It puts issue of sustainable alternatives in backburner, and provides an alternative to focus on economic growth.
However the reality is with leaders like Sharad Pawar and Karat who are shrewd leaders capable of arm twisting and leave the ideology stuff to dreamers, the PM has little chance of any headway. Nationalist COngress and CPIM would care more about their survival than economic growth. They know they have to make hay while the sun shines.
Worst part of the scenario is the PM will have a tough going with the deal, now that the onus is on India to get the deal going. We missed a chance in history and a patchup work is just not going to be the same.
This is why we remain a land of oppurtunities, but no success.