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We have a hell lot of shameless people...
by Ratnesh Sahay on Jun 22, 2008 04:33 AM   Permalink

What a drama now Congress is wanting to play. Because they believe the whole country a foolish lot and public will believe whatever the party does. Its the height of taking things for granted.
Manmohan Singh has proved himself to be a another cheap congress politician and he shall read these messages to know what citizens of India think about him.
Now its the time of elections coming and having known the facts that rising inflation will cost them elections, Congress is only trying to play another drama so that public will agree that Manmohan's efforts were without the lust for his chair. He has already enjoyed his chance of Prime Ministership and few months are left, so Sardarji wants to play the Banta-Santa game and finsih off coolly. For two years he was pondering over the matter and suddenly he has realsied that he should quit and asking media to write about him.
That's very cheap politics....common Sardarji.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal