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Thanks a lot Dr.Prime Minister Ji
by mathana gopal on Jun 20, 2008 10:52 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

We are always by your side. Please resign and take rest. You have done enough ruins to the country. One of the worst Prime Minister India could have.

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  RE:Thanks a lot Dr.Prime Minister Ji
by Gladiator on Jun 20, 2008 11:08 AM   Permalink
Subeh subeh peekar aya hai kya? ;-)

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  RE:Thanks a lot Dr.Prime Minister Ji
by Act First on Jun 20, 2008 11:01 AM   Permalink
My dear friend, you are writing this message using internet and enjoying all fruits of globalisation only because of P.V.Naramsiha Rao and ManMohan singh. Otherwise you wills till use Ambasssador and never working land line phone.

He is one of the best PM India seen who is respected by world leaders.

The present situation is not only India's issue. In srilanka petrol prices iis 127 IRS. If BJP or some "so called great partoies" has any graet plans to get out of this global commotion, let them come out wit their plans.
We don't want preachers, but we want doesr.
Manmohan sing did
1. Opened the dopors of India
2. RTI act(Even UN acknowledged that)
3. Rural employment bill.
4. The Nuclear deal( I am sure no PM hs the guts to talk with US guys as manmohan singh did. All other will either shy away or trumble)

These are land mark achievements.

So now its time for BJP to come out and support this deal and get this nation out of the blck mailing tactics of Left

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Prime minister may resign over n-deal