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by Mona Shah on Jun 20, 2008 12:06 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

They used to say that there is only one "mard" in the congress party - Indira Gandhi. The situation is more or less the same today. SOniaji is the only "mard" not only in the congress party but also any other party in india. She represents the true "Bahu" as is shown in our gujarati serials who gives her everything to the home & salvages the sanctity of the home in the most adverse conditions with her sincerity & ability. She really has admirable qualities, something which we people can imbibe. We are proud of you soniaji.

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by rajesh on Jun 20, 2008 12:08 PM   Permalink
shut up u bloody madorc**d mona... go and jump from your building. inflation is 11.05%, what is your soniaji's answer for this???

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by Sun on Jun 20, 2008 12:07 PM   Permalink
Arre Gujju mandu. Go lick ur Madam's posterior for all we care. But go tItaly and do it there.

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by parvinder on Jun 20, 2008 12:12 PM   Permalink
wow .. what a quality sonia has ? has she ever won any elections ? has she ever spoken any speech from her own mind? has she ever applied her brains on any problem on india?

She got just one quality that she is from Gandi family and nothing else.

If she is so brilliant ask her to come and have discussion on the Indian issues LIVE with any opposition leader on TV.

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by Bakwaas on Jun 20, 2008 12:09 PM   Permalink
yeah...hiding in 10 Janpath. Not giving even one interview to any news channel or person. Never preparing her own speeches. Does not understand our language...Just because someone is Silent does not mean they are Wise. She is in politics because her kids are not able to get a foothold. thats the reason why she did not take up PM post and is just whiling away time till Rahul grows up (god knows when)

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal