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by speculator on Jun 20, 2008 02:30 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Let the sardar go.He was no good anyway.Kick him out of the office, I say.Bring back Vajpayeeji or Advaniji.

Jai Bharat Mata.

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by Raju Painter on Jun 20, 2008 02:34 AM   Permalink

What is the matter with you?

Why are you obssessed with dinosaurs?

Think young, Think Modi!

The toilet unclogger who can unclog the great clogged up toilet like India!!

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by Shashi Pandit on Jun 20, 2008 02:41 AM   Permalink
we need to wait 2014 for that
but modi would be better off as an advisor to PMO on development and anti terror

let him walk before he runs...what say?

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by Raju Painter on Jun 20, 2008 02:46 AM   Permalink


What is so great about governing India?

When a semi-literate matron like Soniaji can do it, why can't Toilet Unclogger Modiji do it?

Modiji should become the PM asap!

If he waits too long, he will have to become a toilet-cleaner for the Chinese government!!

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by Shashi Pandit on Jun 20, 2008 02:50 AM   Permalink
personel view...bjp already has a candidate
modi wont take up any cabinet post, he would remain an advisor, i feel so

reason - he would build a strong firm seat in gujrat ...that even if bjp is not in power after 2014 elections he would be a strong man in gujrat

let him RULE behind curtains till 2014

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by speculator on Jun 20, 2008 02:42 AM   Permalink
I agree.Modi is a very good candidate.But the problem is BJP won't form the majority and secularists won't elect Modi as leader.Hence Advaniji.

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by Dare on Jun 20, 2008 02:45 AM   Permalink
Bloody Sindhi Advani will become PM.. His allegiance is still to Jinnah land.. Why does n't he lay his body to rest in some crematorium.. good riddance..
Modi unfortunately as somone pinted out will not be allowed to become PM..

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by Shashi Pandit on Jun 20, 2008 02:51 AM   Permalink
its all politics dude
why 'sindhi' u are getting in picture here
get out of caste and creed , we are HINDUS first

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by Raju Painter on Jun 20, 2008 02:55 AM   Permalink

Sindhis are not Hindus!

They are punjabi schedule castes produced by parkissTanis!

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by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 03:27 AM   Permalink

Strange to see you cursing someone from your land

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by Gourav Mathur on Jun 20, 2008 03:23 AM   Permalink
they woship radha krishna
they are schewed but whatever better than laloo and mulayam and so called other congress and allies who claim themselves as hindus

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by Raju Painter on Jun 20, 2008 02:50 AM   Permalink

No Way!

A person born in Sindh can never take control of India!

If he were born in Italy, yes he could but not Sindh!

If a person born in Sindh could become the PM, then the nation's capital would be shifted to Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra!

That can never happen!

Therefore Sindhi Advani as a PM is a double impossibility!!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Prime minister may resign over n-deal