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by Sam Mohan on Jun 20, 2008 07:40 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Congress In already having a Bad image Due to may reasons

But Left parties are the worst Educated people to come together to throw out left parties out of Indian

They are just always against West .West has contributed everything to this world .

Even the Car the Prakash karat is using Is invented by a western guy

Even the bulb which is his house given by Thomans Edision (My hero)

Even the Microphone what he talks to the fountain pen ,to his mobile To his even his underwear

Let him come to street wearing a langoti and on a bullock cark if Left are so much Anti west He should not even allowed Talk him English

All the left should be pit and spit in it till they get drowned in that .If west is imperial they have earned that status by their caliber .Youngsetrs should at least Not get demotivated bt Left You know what ? Left parties always get the Votes of the Underprivileged section of the society even if it In kerala or in WB .Once they come to power They do some silly things to make that Section happy life some Releasing presoners from Jails like in Kerala ..Give small discounts to purchase Rice ,hen etc .They try to hamper the educations system wherever they come because once people get educated they wont get their vote .They are real cancer for the India

Hate Praksh karat

Hate Pinaraiyi Vijayan

Hate Brinda karak

Hate Red

They love China More than India ..They wont talk about China Intrusions

India Cant develop any time with RED

Wipe them Out In netx e

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by Sam Mohan on Jun 20, 2008 07:49 PM   Permalink
He may Love diffrent parties We shopuld all come togather to Hate communist !! RED

It should be an uncondional hatred He we procalim now ...Slowley we can build up a movement we can build up a movement as what Devagowda faced in Karnataka ..RED are tghe worst !!!!!!!!!!

They are Antinatinals

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by alok patil on Jun 20, 2008 07:51 PM   Permalink

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by ps subramanian on Jun 20, 2008 07:53 PM   Permalink
I agree with Sam Mohan. The left is a jaundiced, peevish group which loves to continue to be pulling India back from progress and development. Why only Karat ? Even Sitaram Yechuri wears western dresses, watches, carries a mobile, drives in a car, and so on. Hypocrites. Whevener it happens that China walks into Sikkim and other Indian territory, the left is mute.

It is better that Manmohan Singh resigns and shakes of the left once and for all.

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by Sam Mohan on Jun 20, 2008 07:57 PM   Permalink
I actually could get that Guys name SitaRam Yechuri ..

Sita and Ram still they he is Athiest !!

I can speck out to any class of the soiety and make them anti Left !!!

Down Down Left

Down Down Sita Ram yechuri

Down Down China

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by Biswapriya Purkayastha on Jun 20, 2008 08:29 PM   Permalink
I see that you have no idea of anything at all. Are you in favour of India again becoming a British colony? Your illiterate rant would indicate that.

Manohan Singh is scum, the dregs of the earth, a traitor.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Prime minister may resign over n-deal