Well i would fully support PM, i am in saudi arab and company in which i work they are the highest oil exporter in this world, here oil is only 5rs litre, eventhough inflation is going like skyrocketing here, everything is getting costly here day by day. So we all should understand that the PM did his level best to curb in inflation, We should support him not to critise. We as educated people without knowing the real causes should not blame him. Wherever the left has ruled they have not developed their own states, (millions of keralites are here) WB is moreor less everyday closed bcause of strikes. NDA is keeping mum (as usual politician), they couls not have done anything better than PM. So lets say "our PM is one of the honest and intelligent guy in politics" so pls support him.
Very intelligent.... pity your kind of intelligence was not around when a BJP government was thrown out in the Delhi state just because the price of ONE item - namely Onion rose sharply...
RE:oil prices
by James bond on Jun 20, 2008 02:24 PM Permalink
who says they were thrown out for onions, they were thrown out because they did not keep their promise to build the mandir.