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nuclear deal
by Guest on Jun 20, 2008 12:26 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Mr Singh we have resigned to our fate after you became PM

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  RE:nuclear deal
by CatchTwentyTwo on Jun 20, 2008 12:32 PM   Permalink
Instead of blaming the PM, the population, the corruption, other people, it would be best if any of you could just say whether you want India to sign the deal or not... IF yes, please voice your opinion why. If no, please do the same.

Why do we need it? Becuase we need to build as many nuclear reactors to generate as much energy as possible to support our country and we need to also find ways to dispose off the nuclear waste without running into major mishaps that other countries have faced (3 mile/chernobyl)... perhaps we are smarter than them to avoid such incidents but what is wrong in collaborating, even co-operating to avert such dangers, to learn from the knowledge of their experience... to perhaps even teach them some... ;)

Why dont we need it? Becuase it caps our military nuclear program and opens up our capacity and capability to the world. Nobody knows today where we stand... All they have is an estimate. Once you let people in, they will know!

What I think, the UPA is saying is that they trust the scientists and they think that India has done a GREAT job in getting to where we are and that our military technology will suffice for the need of deterrance. Whether that is true or not is debatable but we need the energy and no country as advanced as the US is stupid enough to start a nuclear war and we may just have enough to deter that as well. So we should sign the deal.

So stop talking about the PM and start talking about what matters!

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  RE:nuclear deal
by DS on Jun 20, 2008 12:38 PM   Permalink
I am glad that someone can see through this haze and realize what matters.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal