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nagnath vs sapnath
by rahul singh on Jun 21, 2008 08:49 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

commies did not participate in the national movement cause they wanted to change our colonial masters. they wanted a commie colony in india. russia was not going to risk confronting germany and britain at the same time. chinese like the russians were busy in killing and maiming their own at the time so instruction couldnt arrive for desi leftist. and probably the manuel didnot tell what to do in such situations. taking a decision on their own is not a capability encouraged in the commie setup. no wonder indian commies have not produced a single contributer to communist thought of international stature though we are flooded with a large number of india bashing types. as far as islamists and communists are concerned one is a viper and other a cobra. in iran commies upped the ante against the shah and adherent of religion of peace butchered them as soon as the shah quite iran. IN RUSSIA WHERE ONE FIFTH POPULATION IS FOLOWERS OF RELIGION OF PEACE, A UNIQUE METHOD HAS BEEN EVOLVED BY THE ERSTWHILE COMMIES TO COUNTER THE LOWLIFES (KNOWN AS FIDAYEEN IN RELIGION OF PEACE). ONCE A PEACEFUL SUICIDE BOMBER IS CAUGHT HE IS FED WITH PORK AND IF SLAUGHTERED, THEN PORK IS STUFFED IN HIS BELLY AND BODY EMBALMED WITH OIL OF PIG FAT. THIS ENSURES NO ENTRY AT FROLICK GARDENS WITH SEVENTY TWO NUBILE NYMPHS. NOW IMAGINE ONE IS GETTING READY TO FLUSH HIS LOW LIFE DOWN THE POT, AND SUDDENLY NO ACCESS TO HOLY BROTHELS AND PERMANENT DEPARTURE FROM TAKING THE LOAD OFF IN 9 YR. OLD BOYS AND GRLS AND G

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  RE:nagnath vs sapnath
by mahabodhi on Jun 22, 2008 12:52 PM   Permalink
@rahul singh Who fought for Indian freedom movement !It Azad,Bismill Bhagat singh Rajguru and many who fprmed Hindustan Sociulist Revoultioery party !And all gave thioer life for their purpose !all were inspired by the boleashevik -russian Revoultion!thry were not like kulaks whp were hand in hand woth British and waht was Congress a party formed by a Brotish !And Gandhi was conferred Kaiser E Hind by the British for his services to Brotosh !r u aware of this !
The Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), known as the Hindustan Republican Association until 1928, was an Indian independence association led by revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Yogendra Shukla and Chandrasekar Azad. It was one of first socialist organizations in India and was inspired by the Bolsheviks involvement in the Russian Revolution of 1917.Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna==
Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai, Dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil mein hai.
Karta nahin kyun doosra kuch baat-cheet, Dekhta hun main jise woh chup teri mehfil mein hai. Aye shaheed-e-mulk-o-millat main tere oopar nisaar, Ab teri himmat ka charcha ghair ki mehfil mein hai. Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai.
Waqt aanay pe bata denge tujhe aye aasman, Hum abhi se kya batayen kya hamare dil mein hai. Khainch kar layee hai sab ko qatl hone ki ummeed,
Read full terxt of Bismill poem !
And what Independance it was take over from White sahibs to Brown kulaks Manuwadis by partiton of the nation !

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