RE:must quit
by Pramod Sharma on Jun 20, 2008 01:43 PM Permalink
Having failed on every front during the last four years, PM is making nuclear deal an issue to save face. Be it economics or politics, he simply knows nothing. He and his worthless FM must quit, and do not look back Manmohan Singh. We Indians need to get rid of good-for-nothing guys.
RE:must quit
by R Balasubramanian on Jun 20, 2008 01:47 PM Permalink
You have left out another idiot Montek Singh Aluwalia. The present all time high inflation is totally because of mismanagement of finance by the MoF. As I keep writing, PC is unfit to be a FM. He only keeps burdening the common man instead of plugging the loopholes in tax collection and pinning the tax evadors.