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hand in glove
by narasimham kl on Jun 20, 2008 11:00 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Both Congress and Left parties are plyaing a game, a match fixed one. Deal will be signed and Left will withdraw support and elections will be held just about six months before schedule. WIN WIN for both now and in elections who will WIN and who will LOSE ??
We all should appreciate Dr Manmohan Singh. He is one of the best PMs our country ever had.
God Bless our Country

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  RE:hand in glove
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 11:04 AM   Permalink
he's the best person in terms of capacity, not in terms of vision, action, performance.

he's had to toe a tough line and quite embarrassingly had to even plead for lower fuel consumption and austerity instead of commanding it. he was not a true PM, who'd powered himself, he was a lame duck who was planted there so as to be a puppet for sonia. lets be clear about that. there's absolutely no duplicity in it. every 15 days he'd praise sonia and ensure that things are in place!

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal