RE:Why Quit over Nuclear Deal , Why not over Inflation
by SANYASIRAO TAMMANA on Jun 20, 2008 01:04 PM Permalink
No individula is sole responsible for present inflation as it is global trend. It's system's failure to mitigate the setbacks in the rrowing economy. Ofcourse governance becomes difficult with coalilion govt. it's fate of politics in india. everybody should feel the pinch of the system...
RE:Why Quit over Nuclear Deal , Why not over Inflation
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jun 20, 2008 12:32 PM Permalink
support Communist movement..It is going to make a global superpower like beijing china in their hour of need
RE:Why Quit over Nuclear Deal , Why not over Inflation
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:44 PM Permalink
when china attacked india in the 60s, commies in india celebrated. sick flastards!
RE:Why Quit over Nuclear Deal , Why not over Inflation
by rajendran dharmasambraj on Jun 20, 2008 12:46 PM Permalink
Ha! Ha! communist movement??? lolrof, china, russia following communist economy??? say red dictatorship. don't confuse political system with eocnomic system. what pseudo communists want is capitalist economy with dictatorship.
RE:Why Quit over Nuclear Deal , Why not over Inflation
by sood on Jun 20, 2008 12:47 PM Permalink
We are proud of India and we dont want it to be like China...a communist country... We will put our best efforts to make India a superpower but not at the cost of nation's sovereignty
RE:Why Quit over Nuclear Deal , Why not over Inflation
by CatchTwentyTwo on Jun 20, 2008 12:39 PM Permalink
Its not him thats chalu.. its you that are not... when gas prices go up as they have across the world, you need to understand that it is not the PMs fault or the BJPs fault or the Congress's fault.. its your fault.. since you are driving the cars, the bikes, the buses that increase the prices. So, lets be a little more introspective b4 we blame our PM for rising prices.
Rising gas prices and food prices are not because of bad economics as is being percieved. It is because thats the nature of the beast today, in the world that we live in.
You should be thankful that the UPA government actually shielded you from inflating gas prices for the past four years.
I am sure the BJP would have done the same or better.. the point is that no one political party or person is the cause of this. Once you are "chalu" enough to understand this, you will appreciate what is happening to this world and the economics surrounding it.