Why does the PM want to quit now....he is responsible for all the mess that the country is in now. As an emminent economist was he not aware that bad fiscal measures and populist activities do a great harm to the nation, then why did he let all that happen, he should have put his foot down saying either you dont do it or do without me.
Why did he not oppose to rural employment gurantee scheme when he knew it wont benefit the intended, why did he support the waiver of farmers loan, why did the govt not take steps to bring business man and shopowners in tax net, why did he remained a party to all policies which were for minority appeasement and add to it he says he lost sleep when Hanif was arrested in Australia, how come you never lost sleep for all this bad mismanagement.
Now he should not be allowed to resign and run away rather he should be made answerable at forum, make him say that we bungled and did blunder with the economics of Indian for which all Indians are suffering.
RE:Why Now, Wont allow you now.
by Kaushal Sah on Jun 20, 2008 02:42 PM Permalink
Looks like all you know is to criticise... and not look at the good things.. Waiver of farme loans was very step indeed... Inflation is not just in India... It's world wide... Open up, perhaps you will see what's happening in te world where the oil prices have reached 140$ a barrell. There are food shortage even in the developed countries. Thousands of acres of crops have been destroyed in floods...