I firmly believe that both the BJP and the Congress work in the larger interest of the people of India, though in slightly different ways. The Left on the other hand is a pain in the ass of any party who has to collaborate with them. Even though the Prime Minister has been somewhat weak in the whole scheme of things, I think he has now made up his mind to assert himself on the one issue he really felt strongly about. He either quits or the government will try to go through with this deal. We must respect the man for his brilliance and spotlessly clean image rather than pull him down for his flaws. The people at large can never really be satisfied no matter who is ruling so its time to introspect and make sure we become responsible citizens ourselves first.
RE:The Commies are the biggest sycophants!
by Srinivas R on Jun 20, 2008 01:24 PM Permalink
Correction - Congress work in the larger interest of the MUSLIM people of India - Dr. Manmohan Singh
RE:The Commies are the biggest sycophants!
by arp on Jun 20, 2008 01:21 PM Permalink
Left is worry on nuke deal becoz it labled the name of USA.here left tataly failed in check the inflation which direct hurt common ppl.Left is enjoying power without accountability.