RE:a plea to all muslims
by prasanta chatterjee on Jun 20, 2008 11:57 AM Permalink
i agree with u Rajesh completly. Half of these Muslims are converts from the time of Aurangzeb..but all said and done its a proven fact that "A Hindu can never harm India but in all likelyhood a Muslim can do lots of Harm to India". we dont need Traitors in our lets get rid of them...i just hope someone like u or me one day become the prime minister of india before it is too late!!
RE:a plea to all muslims
by THANJAI SIVAN on Jun 20, 2008 11:53 AM Permalink
OK. Then all non-dravidians should leave south india. South india belongs to dravidians and all non-dravidians and brahmins to leave south india.
RE:RE:a plea to all muslims
by prasanta chatterjee on Jun 20, 2008 12:00 PM Permalink
why ru worried about s india my dar friend ..Rajesh is talking of religious divisions not community divisions..pls get that in ur mind. Time or us all Hindus of India and world to get united(atleast lets learn from Muslims how they have united around the world and famishing our happiness). i hope better sense prevails on u.