Dr singh is a highly qualified person- he knows what is best for the nation. The country where the illiteracy rate is 30-40% can not even imagine what he wanted to do for the next generation
I am not a supporter of congress or any other party - because i know every party is corrupted.
But what he is doing at this point of time looking for the future.
Dude he is a nice man but does not know the dirty game of politics that's the reason he wanted to sign the N deal.. which illeterate parties are opposing because of chinese interst.
Do you all support INDIA or china -- tell me one thing from the heart.
RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 07:30 PM Permalink
you are definitely sufferning from inferiority complex..!!
what kind of statement is this..?? "The country where the illiteracy rate is 30-40% can not even imagine what he wanted to do for the next generation "
the so called 'visionary' nehru an erudite elitist of his times is the single cause for ALL border disputes we face today. the Americans are NOT dumb or charitable to stick to a deal where they no self-interest. the long term benefits of the deal are seriously under question and threatens the Nuclear independence of India. No Party has a right to force this down the throat of future genrations..!!
educate yourself before writing some sweeping statements..
RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 08:05 PM Permalink
its clear that you are nothing but a loser trying to get some attention...are atleast familiar with the non-proliferation caluses imposed as a result of this deal...and how the entier American edifice of non-proliferation has blind-sighted to the proliferation going on in Pakistan and China..??
without knowledge and possibly even awareness for the heck of posting some crap you are asking India to enter into perpetual slavery..where not only are we dependent on US for Energy security but even for defence and military predominance..!!
RE:RE:RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:55 PM Permalink
tell me what are the clause of N deal you don't like and which you think should be revisited
RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by tarun kumar on Jun 20, 2008 07:35 PM Permalink
one of the WORST & PATHETIC CONGRESS goverment ever seen in Indian history. Dummy PM and hopeless Sonia.I really fed up with this congress.Dear indian people in next elections please DO NOT VOTE for congress. you can vote to any party except congress.I never seen such a stupid and unclever rule by congress. things are becoming from worse to worsen and worsen.
RE:RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:46 PM Permalink
That is true the governmnet is bad but that N deal is very important
why dont you understand that ---- otherwise face inflation