Down with the Traitorous Communists!! Bloody China backers...saale jis thaali se khaate hain usi thaali mein cheed karne chale hain!!
Bastiches want deals with China and not US..tell the fkking communists about the indo china war when those chinky mofos invaded when we were offfreing our hands in friendship.
DOWN with the communists....kick them outta the country..them and their impotent leader Yechury!!
RE:Kick out the Commies
by raju on Jun 20, 2008 12:04 AM Permalink
six sigma u go and suck the shit of ur president bush.Dont tell us to do the same thing.India is better without USA.
RE:RE:Kick out the Commies
by Raj Gaurav on Jun 20, 2008 12:10 AM Permalink
Anothe traitor Raju!!! U a spy for the commies or the chinese??? fukcing the only dicck who prefers china over usa is a fool who's living in a dream world!! the CHINESE STAKE CLAIM TO 40000SQ KM OF INDIAN TERRITORY YOU MORON!!! USA wants india as part of the Nuclear elite...not even its "ALLY" Pakistan shares that honor.