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He will never resign
by Dipak Bose on Jun 20, 2008 05:21 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

His job is to force India to surrender by all means. He is doing that since 1991.
In 1991 India was forced to surrender to IMF. Most profitable parts of the public sectors were sold away, taxes for the rich were reduced, taxes for the poor increased, poor cannot get just like in USA any medical treatment unless they have a lot of money, no job but high growth of black money.
In 1995 he has forced India to surrender to GATT and WTO. We have to import everything from China, our industries will go down, people will lose jobs, but all luxuries will be allowed to be imported. Our farmers cannot get proper price, but wheat has to be imported at a much higher price.
In 2008 he wants India to surrender its Nuclear Weapons: that is the 123 Treaty with USA.

Unless he will achieve what USA has asked him to do, he will stay on.

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  RE:He will never resign
by IndiaWiNS ALL on Jun 20, 2008 06:00 PM   Permalink
N Commies.........they love to surrender India to China,...maybe Russia will do....

So Mr. Commie welcome ....we can call u a seller...or a broker....howzzat!

n Mr. India is much safer today to be an American partner is good fr business...unless ur Commie....n would like to lose business to chinkies

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  RE:RE:He will never resign
by Guest on Jun 20, 2008 06:57 PM   Permalink
Iam really surprised that even after looking at india's progress in last 7-8 years people have such opinion. Lets face the facts with improved global logistics and communication link. The material/services will be sourced from the cheapest places. Either that's china for manufacturing or India for services. With 1.3 billion population we can not have most of our population surviving on agri..we need to diversify. This can happen only by opening up economy.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal