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Quit ....Pink Slip
by Nikhil Parulkar on Jun 20, 2008 07:17 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Ideally PM should be offered Pink Slip, however looking at his report card for past 4 years & the turmoil that he has put the people into for past 6-8 months he should honorably put in his papers.

Also, not only him the other morons called;
1. FM-not frequency modulation-Finance minister
2. HRD - Kalyug's Duryodhan - Mr Arjun Singh
3. Petroleum/Oil minister - Who drinks less H2O but more Oil.
4. Aviation - The Patel who can't Fly anymore...

should also Quit voluntarily.

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  RE:Quit ....Pink Slip
by BHASKARAN GANESHAN on Jun 20, 2008 07:31 AM   Permalink
Yeah. That's Great. Beautifully coined. Chidambaram is also called the lungi mama, the rogue finance minister not only cheated the Central Government employees but bribed the unions across all sectors last but not the least as u term him "kalyug ka duryodhan" who should be hanged.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal