No has stopped Mr. M M Singh to resign. If his govt resigns, whole of India will cheer up for sure !!!
This they [ Govt ] should have done long time back. UPA has failed miserably not only on the ground of 123 agreement with USA but they have ruined Indian Economy. Its fact that in their regime, rich became extensively richer and poor are no where. With rising inflation, UPA Govt has lost moral right to stay in power.
For god sake, please ask UPA to resign. They should just quit.
RE:Pm wants to quit....
by PAV on Jun 20, 2008 03:37 PM Permalink
Hello, whom do you want to rule the country then? Whoever it may be, do they have a magic wand to control oil price rise? The foolish fellow, who does not know anything about world economy is trying to suggest that UPA government is responsible for inflation. Are they blind that oil prices have gone from $70/per barrel to $140 per barrel in international market. Do India have a control over oil price rise? BJP agents, who wants to run down an effient government is trying to spread falsehood.