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PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by INDER KRISHEN WALI on Jun 20, 2008 09:18 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I have earlier also shared my views on the Nuclear Deal.No Doubt any self made man would like to quit if people dont understand the basics of the International Politics.Indian communists are the biggest anti national elements today.This deal will proove to be blessing in disguise for the country if agreed.China has stolen Tibet from India and many strategic regions in the whole of Northern Sector.And still they want many more regions from the control of India if necessary by force.I can predict that China will never feel shy of repeating history of 1962.China had been always been misguiding Pakistan to wage wars against India.Because they are against a strong neighbour.It is simple Chankya Niti...!I again repeat if we dont sign on the dotted line immediately then our future generations will never forgive us. As far as Modern International Politics is concerned,it is well known that if things don't turn out in the interest of the the country then we can always ignore the agreement.After all in a Democracy interest of the people and the country is always foremost.Didn't America wage a war in Iraq on the false premise of safegauding the interest of its territories from the so called WMD weapons which were never there.Well my dear Cmmunist fellows hasn't your China cunningly embraced America for spicing Industrial Revelotion in that country.In just twenty years they have left India behind in all sectors.Mr.Karat be wiser if you want to be respected by your own grandchildren...!

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  RE:PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by Anand YNI on Jun 20, 2008 10:40 PM   Permalink
Hi Inder,

I request you to read the complete text of the 123 Nuclear Deal & the Hyde Act, & the related expert Comments by the former Chairpersons of Atomic Energy Commission & Mr Bramha Chellaney, before actually posting the comment. Everything is available on the internet. All that you need to do is to type "123 Nuclear Deal" or "Text of Hyde Act" on the Google Search.

Alternatively, you may send your e mail ID to me at or post here to enable me to send the same to you from my PC.


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Prime minister may resign over n-deal