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PM N-Deal Vs Prakash Karat
by babu on Jun 21, 2008 10:48 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

When Rajiv Gandhi brought computers IT in In India in 1980's these commies CPI-M Opposed IT said that because of computer millions of people will lose jobs.
Now every one knows how many jobs created in India because of IT.And where India stand today because of IT.
Now these commies CPI-M again saying same statement for Nuclear Deal and every thing.Let them bark dont care.

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  RE:PM N-Deal Vs Prakash Karat
by RK Express on Jun 22, 2008 09:11 AM   Permalink
The CPI-M opposed many good policies in the past.
Let it be : Computers, Privatisation of Telecom Sectors, Use of Agricultural machinery in the farm sector (even harvesting of paddy by machine was not allowed in kerala just recently, but later allowed after getting money by their local political cut- throats), Use of heavy machinery in the Construction sector, Use of tipper lorries are only allowed by them after getting money. Just watch what other people are doing and get money without any work... How funny it sounds... They are making their comrades lazy and useless..
They had opposed many things in the past and continue to do so... It is like the dogs tail... its shape will remain the same evenafter drastic efforts of anyone to straighten.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal