Dear Mr Prime Minister: We, the people of India salute you for the peace and stability you've helped India to attain during your Prime Ministerial tenure of India.Now please go ahead- not even pausing to hear the raucous self-destructive calls of the Left and some selfish political leaders alike- just go ahead sir, and please do sign the Indo-US nuclear Deal. Please show once and for all that Mrs Sonia Gandhi is only party president, you, the head of Governance of India. Just do it, sir ! Just do it ! NOW !
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:31 PM Permalink
I support you dude....... Dr Manmohan singh you should go with the deal
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 07:37 PM Permalink
Peace - 71 chinese incursions in Sikkim alone..not to mention the ignominy heapead on India in every international forum by China. Government too weak-kneed to even dispute leave alone confront. Several terrorists attacks with guilty still at large...Afzal guru still being fed with tax-payers money...
Stability - 3 days in a working week Left threatens to pull-out. Infaltion is closing the double digit..!!
i mean do people who post in this forum read or watch NEWS...!!
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:51 PM Permalink
did you read that and tell us why we should not sign thi sdeal...
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 08:06 PM Permalink
its clear that you are nothing but a loser trying to get some attention...are atleast familiar with the non-proliferation caluses imposed as a result of this deal...and how the entier American edifice of non-proliferation has blind-sighted to the proliferation going on in Pakistan and China..??
without knowledge and possibly even awareness for the heck of posting some crap you are asking India to enter into perpetual slavery..where not only are we dependent on US for Energy security but even for defence and military predominance..!!