Countless no of times people call MMS a good PM even though they call the Congress a party unworthy of him. But think of this: what has MMS done for India in his tenure which has already run longer than the US President gets as his entire term in Office? He started his term by inducting criminals (including rapists and murders) like Taslimuddin, Shahabuddin and Shibu Soren as ministers, presided over inflation going from 5 to 10%, fomented widespread caste hatred by reviving VP Singh's ghost of reservation as an 'idea whose time has come' and even tried to pressurize the Private Sector (the last abode for merit in this country) into the reservation fold, played pally to Communists and surrendered all reforms in the field of labour reforms and disinvestments, let the oil sector PSU's die of subsidy (inspite of tomtomming at the beginning of his term that he is in favour of making PSU's world class), and is now watching the nuclear deal in its death throes. How much can he fool the Indians with his polite exterior? How is MMS a good PM, friends?
RE:How is MMS a 'good' PM
by sonal singh on Jun 20, 2008 11:32 AM Permalink
Cant really think of anything that will be remembered through the years as having been an 'achievement' of MMS, thrust upon us as such a good option all those years ago - but, NOTHING will ever be achieved until and unless WE THE PEOPLE assert our rights for a decent life, and if this is going to come about by educating the so called underpriveleged OBCs / SC/ST s etc., so be it - hopefully the reservation policy that is being so brazenly pushed now will come back to haunt these very political parties when the next generation gets wiser and does not fall for their dirty games
RE:How is MMS a 'good' PM
by Beijing Tezu on Jun 20, 2008 11:28 AM Permalink
He had to do this to keep the party in power, MMS runs the government, not the party. He is a very bad politician, but a very good leader of the nation.
RE:How is MMS a 'good' PM
by THANJAI SIVAN on Jun 20, 2008 11:25 AM Permalink
Mr Clean may not be the strongest PM india ever had. But he is not certainly the weakest PM. But there are two candidates fighting for the weakest PM of the country. One is Vajpayee and the other is Devagowda. Devagowda looking for an appointment with cong(i) heads , even as PM will be the weakest. Another top contender for weakest PM is Mr Vajpayee, who was just filling the position of the PM , without having any control over any body. When went abroad , he said that he has to bow his head in shame for happenings in gujarath. But as PM , he cannot do anything for Gujarath trajedy , otherwise he will be thrown out of BJP by Modi&Co. Jayalalitha removed her pants every day when she was supporting. When she was opposing, Vajpayee as PM , was not able to talk to madam over phone , even though he was frantically trying for the mada , When Karuna was arrested along with Vajpayee's cabinet ministers. Vajpayee's cabinet minister accompanied the terrorists to Kandahar airport.
RE:RE:How is MMS a 'good' PM
by Tridib Sarma on Jun 20, 2008 11:31 AM Permalink
Man, if your parents were passengers of that fateful IC 814, then you would have realized what was the value of that decision. Only the congressies makes noise like this.
RE:How is MMS a 'good' PM
by adi sap on Jun 20, 2008 11:28 AM Permalink
That's true Hemant. May be he is not corrupted personally, but bowing down to pressure on crucial national matters, without any proper thought about the future of this country, makes him even more dangerous than a corrupt person. He may be polite and clean, but certainly not bold, efficient and upright to himself...He knows that he is not efficient to be a PM and so should not have taken up the post...whatz the point in resigning now after the damage is done to the fullest extent. Let him continue till the term finishes...
RE:How is MMS a 'good' PM
by Deepak Chawla on Jun 20, 2008 11:30 AM Permalink
Dear Friend 50 years down the line, the 2 terms of Dr Singh as FM and PM would be mentioned as "golden period" in indian history and our coming generations would read those books.