Nuke the Commies; they are causing inflations. Karl Marx and Lenin have eaten all your rice, wheat, double rotis, alugobis and now even using petrols. This is the cause of the rising inflation. Don't blame Chidam, he only eat idli-samber. Don't blame Man, he only eat tarka-dal. Commies are real culprit. They do not allow good Man Mohan to sign 123 Treaty. This is the reason for the 12.3 percent inflation.
RE:RE:Good Man Mohan
by harishchandra pandey on Jun 20, 2008 07:04 PM Permalink
I think sonia should buy a no return ticket to Italy with son rahul and daughter asap. Dr singh should do some flexibility exercise as he seems to become very fragile, Chidam should remove his spects and should go to ayurvedic cleanising center for the treatment of his ears and eyes. And all congris " as they are now grown up, should leave the hands of public with immediately, as they say congress ka haath aam admi ke sath". BJP you have no options and you have shown enough patience, and a declared hero already. You should swipe out congress completely by exposing imminet personality in the politics.