Splict verdict, fractured mandate, no single majority party to form Govt.,etc. are the so called virus of democracy which used to jeopardise the growth of a nation. Dignity of democracy deteriorates as well.
Coalition Govt. is never a healthy symbol of democracy as it encourages horse trading, hard bargaining, appeasement at the cost of national interest, corruption, etc.
NDA had failed earlier and so also UPA now. Congi and Commi are of different ideologies but united only to keep BJP at bay, and not for any national interest.
India requires the following: 1. A single majority party at the centre for its prosperity. 2. PM should be elected by the voters and not by any party president like Sonia. 3. Remove corrupt politicians from ministries. 4. Inspire voters for 100% polling.
RE:Dignity of Democracy
by Beijing Tezu on Jun 20, 2008 11:59 AM Permalink
Kya baat Hain. If any one of your last three advices will be adopted by any party and comes to power, then India will become great.
RE:Dignity of Democracy
by jagar singh on Jun 20, 2008 12:44 PM Permalink
israel and italy are no majorityparty states.are they poor or not developing?