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Cutting the nose to save the face
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 12:25 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

MMS has turned out to be worse than his detractors ever thought.

He should not have entered into such important deal with US without an input from his allies and BJP. He is committing India to a treaty which many people are very suspicious of.

Is nuclear energy right for a populated country like India?
Who will buy nuclear enrgy when it costs more than three times more?
what happens if other countires refuse to give uranium aftr a few years?
Is there a provision in the deal that allows India to withdraw from the dela in the supreme national interest?
Why is US in such a great hurry to shove the deal?
when will India see first nuclear plant--I can tell you not in the enxt 10 years.

MMS I am ashamed of you as PM. Resing and please no drama bajee

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  RE:Cutting the nose to save the face
by Gautam Bothra on Jun 20, 2008 12:39 AM   Permalink
I have a question for u. Do you stop going out of house as you know people get killed in road accident?
Dude you have start somewhere

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  RE:Cutting the nose to save the face
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 12:44 AM   Permalink

Start what pal? Nuclear energy has no future and India has no uranium either. Why nuclear? why not solar, wind, geothermal.

hoy about stopping the theft of power as a first step?

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal