Behind his mikd demeanour and the fact he belongs to a community all of us love to poke fun at, I will always hold it against him that he was elected from Assam giving a false and "cooked up" residence address when he has never stayed there for a day also. His resignation stunt is to please his Western friends from WB and IMF days.
RE:Begining of the End
by jagtar gay gay on Jun 20, 2008 09:44 AM Permalink
When actor Sanjay Dutt's wife gave a wrong address of Goa such a hue and cry was made why do we need a PM with the FALSE RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!
RE:Begining of the End
by Watchman on Jun 20, 2008 09:37 AM Permalink
which shows his patience in pleasing up the Left all thes edays as PM. Must have been tuff on him
RE:Begining of the End
by Ankur on Jun 20, 2008 09:55 AM Permalink
FUll credit to our guy for leading a life of humiliation & sustained embarassment from his co -workers. If he had a little shame he would have resigned long time back