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Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Manish Airy on Jun 20, 2008 01:39 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The country will remember you with lot more respect after you demit PM's office on the N-deal. Dump the useless leftists & move on. With crude prices rising to $200 / bbl soon, Nuclear power is the only answer to energy needs. These communists will never understand the situation emerging out of the potential crisis in the energy scenario. Not one but lets go ahead & set up atleast minimum total 20,000 MW cap. nuclear power generation. Forget coal, NG etc. as fuel for this cap. You alone could save the country from a disasterous downturn in the economy. May God give you strength to hit those opposed to you.

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  RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 01:53 PM   Permalink

Wrong. The country doesn't remember any Congressi except the ones ending in Gandhi....

Remember a certain Mr. Narsimha Rao?

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  RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Vikrant Athavale on Jun 20, 2008 01:59 PM   Permalink
Thats what stands for I in Congress the Gandhi Family only Congress(I)
Rahul baba is the PM in waiting

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  RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Vikas Bhatt on Jun 20, 2008 02:16 PM   Permalink
Actually Manish the Communists understand the situation all too well. More crude rates means more expensive power and essential commodities, more inflation leading to more poverty alround making them relevant by which theyc an continue having power with more poor people around so theyc an pretend to fight for their cause and continue existing.....

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  RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Dipak Bose on Jun 20, 2008 01:56 PM   Permalink
One cannot drive one's car with nuclear power.
India does not use oil to produce electricity, in fact very few countries do.
India gets 98 percent of the electricity from coal and hydro.

Thus, crude oil price has nothing to do with nuclear Deal with USA, which aims to take away nuclear weapons.

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  RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Manish Airy on Jun 20, 2008 02:07 PM   Permalink
You joker do you know that Delhi's NCR area alone wastes Rs. 1400 crores/year worth Oil (HSD) for generating power thru DG sets. Think about the whole country. If we have reliable & uninterrupted power thru coal/hydel/Nuclear etc. we'll be able to avoid so much wasteage of oil for just producing power. Go & learn more about hydrocarbons before you make such stupid comments

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Prime minister may resign over n-deal