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PM may resign
by Srinivas vishnu on Jun 20, 2008 09:54 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The communists have shown the sense of responsibility in keeping the government from taking hasty desicions. It is pity that congress had not been open about the deal even now, but reverted to threatening tactics. If it a good decision to go ahead with the US lobby on nuclear deal and cannot be delayed to save the sick Bush administration, It is worth waiting some more time, as time reveals the truth - and uplifts the truth and strengths it.
Satyameva jayate. SO no decisions should be taken in haste towards the end of the term of the present government like they did with the budget and the economy - Good things can wait and succeed the scrutiny of the public opinion. SO the entire deal had to be put before the public - before selling their souls in secrecy to the US.

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  RE:PM may resign
by varadarajan balu on Jun 20, 2008 09:58 AM   Permalink
Sir I do respect ur concern over the issue, But do u think the public debate is possible for such an issue in a country like India where 30-40% are illiterates .So u go by the experts opinion andthey have given a clean chit to the deal and said that it will be a win situation for India. I do not think it was a hasty decision because this deal thing was there when NDA was there.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal