what a joke in the Govt! PM have no power at this time. Earlear it was said a 'Rubber Stamp' to president only in our constitute, but now the PM is more worse than 'Rubber stamp'!
All power are in the hands of Sonia Gandhi, who plays from the back of curtail. I f thinks goes better after any decision Sonia comes ahed, but if the decision seems to be wrong Mr PM have to face.
Left are part of incumbency, but always opppose the decision of incumbency and in last says 'we wont witrhdraw support'. Good Drama.
They are not going to quit on the basis of Economic emergency, but they want to quit on the basis of nuclear. What is the priorty of Govt?
When already our countries Three stage nuclear programe is on perfect pace, than why these congress people are so mutch intrested in this deal.
China entering in India, terrorist are making blast countineously, bangladeshi making trouble, naxalites are on the crest of wave, but The Govt is having other priorities! why so?
I think not only the PM , whole Parliament should be dissolved urgently. Public should use their voting power wisely.
RE:PM have no power at this time
by arun tailor on Jun 20, 2008 11:43 AM Permalink
This is our INDIAN mentality which you are showing my dear varghese! we are already devided, and thinks that on some issues we have the birth rights.
Like Gandhi's thinks birth rights on politics!
as you thinks the above said cast are having rights to shutup their mouth always! Butit is not so, ithink you are still not have mental level to come in this debate!
you should not so much frustration in this chaos!
you should concentrate on youe medicines which you are taking for your mental illness!