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PM's Resignation
by Anand YNI on Jun 20, 2008 09:07 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

What a good news in the morning!!

The sooner he quits, the better it would be for the country.

No doubt, Congress is trying to blackmail the Communists. Many experts including several former Chiefs of Atomic Energy Commission have opined that India will be selling itself to US if it goes ahead with the 123 Nuclear Deal. But the Congress is hell bent on signing the agreement which is heavily loaded against the interests of the country. A detailed analysis of the text of the agreement and the Hyde Act will reveal even to an imbecile as to how US could armtwist India including making India to agree for any future sanctions against Iran.

Considering all these aspects, it would be better if this lameduck PM resigns and salvages at least some self respect.

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  RE:PM's Resignation
by dilip patnaik on Jun 20, 2008 09:20 AM   Permalink
hope you are writing this without going into detail. you are repeating what CPI to say.

kam kar muh dho arram kar..your way of thinking is not going to impress any one

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  RE:PM's Resignation
by Anand YNI on Jun 20, 2008 09:41 AM   Permalink
Dear Dilip,

Thanks for the comments.

I am NOT an expert on this subject but I read and try to understand what experts have to say on this issue.

Please open yesterday's Just in page and go to the heading, "DMK supports Nuclear Deal". I have written the detailed text of what the experts have said about the deal. If you still have any doubt whether I have gone through the matter, please get back to me. I will post another detailed analysis by another expert. If you are still not satisfied, I can send you yet another (or more) analysis. Please do not forget to write your e mail ID.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal