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Nuclear deal will b signed sooner or later
by Ram Sharma on Jun 20, 2008 09:59 AM   Permalink

Nuclear deal will b signed sooner or later, bcz USA is very much interested in it, irrespective of whether it is good or bad for the country. Hence USA is giving new deadlines every now and then. It also has been putting pressure on the govt to sign the deal. It also has said that they r ready to sign the deal even if Indian govt is a minority got. Now the deadline is 20th Jan'09, the last day of Mr Bush as President.

It may b possible to get a better deal from the next President of USA.

The deal must specify that internal laws of USA will not apply on the deal.

UPA wants to sign the deal, but they r not sure if they will win the next election, hence they r not going against Leftists. They will do so after ruling the country as much as possible in this tenure.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal