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Nuck deal
by PAV on Jun 20, 2008 03:26 PM   Permalink

Left parties, especially CPM, has made it a practice to oppose anything that take the country to progress. They forcefully opposed when tractors were introduced in early 70s. Then they opposed introduction of Computers. They opposed taking loans from World Bank. They opposed industrialisation by private partnership. But, now-a-days they are going for such things in West Bengal and Kerala. They opposed these earlier on the plea that it will spread imperialism of America..a bogey they always raise and there are lot of people in India to believe them..that is the pity. Congress should take a firm decision to go ahead with the nuck deal so that India will be benefitted from it immensely. It is time to show CPM and its allies that beggers can be choosers.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal