Nuclear Deal - India is fooling USA in Nuclear Deal. Infact India never wanted this kind of nuclear deal in an international strategic perspective.
Russia - Russia will not like India joining hands with USA. China - China never wanted that India should go along with USA. Pakistan/Iran/And all neibouring countries - wants India should be kept in distance with USA.
Infact, our strategic thinkers...purposly taken USA for a task. Because at the time of begining of Nuclear Deal the international situation was different and today the entire scenario is different.
Infact, Congress, Left, BJP all knew this Nuclear Deal will never materialise but knowingly they have said ok to nuclear deal.
Congress applied delaying tactics to avoid Nuclear Deal.
Infact this deal was impossed on India.
Now time is running out not only for Bush, Manmohan singh and also nuclear deal.
Congress completed almost 4 years and 5th year is a problem for congress. It got a signal from Karnataka that the time has come for them to give up the power.
I am very much aware that this Nuclear deal will not be acceptable for India and all parties knew it. But congress is trying to satisfy that it is doing all to sign the deal.
Congress departure confirmed with expulsion of PMK in Tamil Nadu. NO NUCLEAR DEAL WILL BE SIGNED AND LET US ALL GET READY FOR GENERAL ELECTION.
by Mallikarjuna Rao on Jun 20, 2008 12:30 AM Permalink
Oh shit, we got a little problem here. We got a commie propagating his chinese master's idealogy. Get rid of this j@ck @ss for ever
by Gautam Bothra on Jun 20, 2008 12:37 AM Permalink
if you can't understand this deal, refrain from commenting. And next time you have a power cut don't blame anybody. The deal in essence is for transfer of technology and equipment for generating power - read again power and India needs power or the growth rates will come down.
by Sastry on Jun 20, 2008 12:42 AM Permalink
I think it is for the raw material and not technology. If we are operating nuclear power plants for so many years, then there is no reason to think that we need more tech. At worst, we may need external help to construct the reactors. The whole world will compete to take this opportunity to make profit
by Mallikarjuna Rao on Jun 20, 2008 12:58 AM Permalink
Not only it is for material, but for improved technology.
At present India have the capacity to built 220 MW and at most 440 MW, but not 1000-2000 MW super plants and definitely inferior in boiler tech (optimization of power) and other tech, which west has mastered (US, France and Japan).
So, we definitely need nuclear deal to get tech, raw materails and legitimization of our nuclear weapons.
by DeeRags on Jun 20, 2008 12:58 AM Permalink
India's growth is on a roll and it needs power to maintain its momentum. Large scale infrastructure projects, urban transport and residential dwelling all require power which can be supplied by nuclear plants with America's aid and expertise. Today India is more inclined with US than any other nation with a 1 million strong NRI population. People to people contact has never been greater. The GOI should albeit sign this historic deal and put India on the path to progress.