This is the only viable and apt solutions. Those patriots support the deal at its present unequal form, are doing just they hate communists. This is not a true reason. Communists are inherently anti-US, nuclear deal is not the only issue. Communists asking govt to stop defence relation with Israel. But, we have to see the greater interest of India. If tommorrow China or Pakistan tests nuclear weapons, what India will do if we are binded under Indo-US deal? Not many Indian scientists and intellectuals support the deal at it present form. If this deal is not signed by the Congress-UPA govt, that does not mean deal is dead. In todays scenario, US needs India more than India needs US. I am sure, only BJP-led govt can come up with a revised deal with position of strength. Congress govt under Manmohan Singh is a weak structure, they somehow wantted to get the deal and earn millions as kickbacks like Bofors scandal.