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Left will not Allow India to Progress
by Adithya on Jun 22, 2008 02:43 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Left couldnt do for the development of West Bengal for the past 23 years. What will they do with the progress of the country. They believe in talking not in actions.

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  RE:Left will not Allow India to Progress
by Closo on Jun 22, 2008 04:07 AM   Permalink
Commies just want to sale India to China!!! They are simply anti nationalists!!!!! They don't a bit of love for India.

And congress does not have any strong political Figure. Why they are going with Commies?? THis is nothing but the post. Aare yar, anyway you are going to loose in few months, why not now?? If you do it now break the bond with commies still you can maintain your prestige and can earn more votes in nest election. Otherwise hole nation will understand you are spineless and everybody will hesitate to vote you.

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