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Here is another nail in the coffin of deal apologists
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 07:43 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

"The Nuclear Illusion
A widely heralded view holds that nuclear power is experiencing a dramatic worldwide
revival and vibrant growth, because it’s competitive, necessary, reliable, secure, and vital for fuel
security and climate protection.
That’s all false.

In fact, nuclear power is continuing its decades-long collapse in the
global marketplace because it’s grossly uncompetitive, unneeded, and obsolete—so hopelessly
uneconomic that one needn’t debate whether it’s clean and safe; it weakens electric reliability
and national security; and it worsens climate change compared with devoting the same money
and time to more effective options.
Yet the more decisively nuclear power is humbled by swifter and cheaper rivals,
the web site

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  RE:Here is another nail in the coffin of deal apologists
by Sebin JOHN on Jun 20, 2008 08:01 AM   Permalink

Technology and politics are different. To evaluate all energy options it requires knowledge on all sources. Normally people get biased for a particular form of energy that he knows fully or partially still make authentic statement.

So an energy mix is the best option for energy secuirity.

Let us be positive. And maintain silence on issues we are not clear. Look beyond our life span.

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  RE:Here is another nail in the coffin of deal apologists
by Kris iyer on Jun 20, 2008 08:09 AM   Permalink
A timely reminder by you. "Nuclear generation" is complex, expensive and full of risks. Is it worth the trouble for the 4-10% contribution, it would make to India's total needs?
In fact, in the 1970s, after the "three-mile Island" accident in the USA, UK and France "de-commisioned some of their nuclear reactors.
The main issue is the disposal of the waste "rods". They remain radio-active for hundreds of years.

BUT THERE MAY BE SOMETHING OF "MILITARY" SIGNIFICANCE in this Indo-US deal for India, which cannot, obviously, be discussed in Public.
Dr. Singh and the scientists closely involved in the negotiations KNOW MANY MORE DETAILS THAN WE DO.
Even Professors K.K. Subramaniam and Brahma Chaleney, our excellent analysts of these issues, and whose articles are very persuasive, may not be privy to ALL the clauses of the Deal.

Some Uranium is available in India, but not enough. India may be hoping to use whatever little it can lay its hands on, for military use. It is this facilitation they may be looking for in this Deal. Of course, some new technology can be learnt and adapted to military use also. Some of our scientists, may look simple like Mumbai's "Dabbawallahs", but they have talents.
All this is highly speculative, of course. I am interested to see how uncomfortable both China and Pakistan are over this Deal!! Why, I wonder.

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  RE:Here is another nail in the coffin of deal apologists
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 08:25 AM   Permalink
I'd guess just the opposite knowing US intentions rather well. US has bene running a campaign against India for the last 40 years to sigh NPT. Having failed in doing that through Pakistan, Khalistan, North East, it has just changed tactics.
When you want to sleep with US, use a condomn. And they make no bones about being selfish and cunning.

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  RE:Here is another nail in the coffin of deal apologists
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 07:56 AM   Permalink

So anyone who is against this nuclear trap is a Muslim?
Lets discuss the facts. Do you have anything relevant to say here

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  RE:Here is another nail in the coffin of deal apologists
by anil yadav on Jun 20, 2008 08:49 AM   Permalink
well i wont say nuclear energy s very safe but yes safe enough
secondly, we are nowhere close to get any other energy source wheather clean or unclean or safe or unsafe...
and thirdly when the oil prces are reaching at all time high and there is no hope of easing of oil prices in near future we dont hav any choices but to adopt nuclear energy....
also with the global warming becoming one of the major problems i dont think we hav any option left......

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal