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Enough is enough!
by shiva on Jun 20, 2008 06:39 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Let us quit en-masse! Every morning the nuclear deal or non-deal glares at us. Now even the PM had enough! A very good excuse to quit and take stock of life!

MMS is not able to convert the non-believers! Others dilly-dally. It is time to a take hard look at the options available in a non-political platform. Yes, some are dreamers!

The noose is tightening and we are gasping for breath. Eighty percent dependency on Gulf countries for energy is plain suicide. The oil rich are having a party and increasing their internal feeding frenzy. Some like China & Indonesia have become importers. The latter quit OPEC - why part of a caucus to raise the prices while an importer?

Nuclear plants take over ten years. Oil at $130 going 200 is fertile ground for renewable energy. Already, Germany & Japan are leaders. US consuming three times energy while having quarter of China population is the culprit. Already post-Bush scenario looks to be good for renewables. When they move the world will do likewise! They can make change.

Let us not compromise and put our heads on the line in a hurry now. We can be held to ransom for technology & later for fuel. We should tie- up for solar, wind, geo-thermal. A break-through is enough to put the oil behind us. After all, bicycle repairers flew the air-planes before airospace engineers! Let us bite the bullet and take advantage of high oil & nuclear non-deal to goad us! Let Bush keep the outdated technology! We turn to nature!

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  RE:Enough is enough!
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 06:42 AM   Permalink
return to nature? to answer the call of nature?

abhee saare MP logan parliamnet house ke saamne gobar daan karenge - line mein baith kur!

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  RE:Enough is enough!
by shiva on Jun 20, 2008 06:55 AM   Permalink
Return to nature meaning go renewables. We are treated as second class to others especially China. BRIC countries & Chindia etc will become a thing of the past as others have moved ahead, especially in energy.

On a broader note, China is forging ahead despite the Sichuan earth-quake. They are exploring gas in disputed territories with Japan, with US in $15 billion business deals, and cosying up to Taiwan. We are waking up as losers and going to bed likewise. The eternal also rans in life also. We just cannot makeup our minds!

As we have talents, the politicians have just to leave them alone and not put road-blocks. We have hit huge ones in oil & now the nuclear non-deal.

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  RE:Enough is enough!
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 07:22 AM   Permalink
>>>We are waking up as losers and going to bed likewise.

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  RE:RE:Enough is enough!
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 07:23 AM   Permalink
quote "We are waking up as losers and going to bed likewise."

Speak for yourself ... not everyone!

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  RE:Enough is enough!
by shiva on Jun 20, 2008 07:30 AM   Permalink
I can speak for myself only! "We" is only a figure of speech talking of the state of affairs when we as a nation do not know what we want!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Prime minister may resign over n-deal