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Efficiency of PM
by Praveen Rao on Jun 20, 2008 01:35 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear PM
You know very well that you are highly quailfied and peolpe of India thought that you take us to future by takting all corective measure about the economic front. what a Pity!!
You have ginve a high inflation of 11.055 % How can a poor man survive with this. You know a Govt servent action result in any loss he is summerly dismissed and removed from the service mercilessy. What we the people of India do with you for giving a such a huge high cost of living. An Old saying is realy coming true, that a Highly eduacated, qualified person is good for teaching/and acadimic filed but misirable fails in practicle field.
What do you say about this saying Mr PM
Praveen Rao

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  RE:Efficiency of PM
by Samarth Ahuja on Jun 20, 2008 01:58 PM   Permalink
hey u maybe right bt tha main cause of inflation is the soring oil prices.. for ur information i must tell u dat in nda govt regime, oil was 28 per barrel, it is nw 135 per barrel.. so calculation says dat OIL PRICES SHOULD HV BEEN UP BY 5 TIMEs, bt bcoz of this mastermind , inflation is still somewhat tamed.. "nda govt under similar situations wd have either hampered growth or would have allowed inflation to reach 22%".. neways it doesnt matter to mr singh.. afterall he ws the hero of 1991 crisis when he rescued india out of its financial emergency nd bankruptcy... HATS OFF TO MR SINGH..

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  RE:RE:Efficiency of PM
by Indigo on Jun 20, 2008 02:26 PM   Permalink
Samart Ahuja, please dont bluff, oil prices during NDA rule were never as less as 28$/bbl not even in 1928. They were some where around 80-85$/bbl. Oil has seen a huge surge since the last year or so.

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  RE:Efficiency of PM
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 01:53 PM   Permalink
Did you forget that the same person saved the Indian economy from going to bankruptcy in 1991?

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal