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by Proud Hindustani on Jun 20, 2008 10:05 PM   Permalink

For the last 4 years HE has been sleeping on it. Sonia and gang know they are going to lose the elections, they saved this card for the last minute to get attention.

It never came up for discussion and ratification in the parliament ALL these 4 years. For India' nuclear weapons and civil applications, the deal needs some issues to be corrected. NOW it is too late and all tied up in politics and NOT national interest and security.

Sonia and gang and Communist parties are NOT good for India.

The Nehru family have done irreparable damage to India for which you and our children will continue to pay a high price, we lost Kailash Prabhat, Tibet and parts of Kashmir and now incursions in Sikkim, Nepal and AP....what more do you want??

Nuclear deal can wait---we have ALL the coal in the world, and bio diesel resources AND brains and manpower.

What we lack is LEADERSHIP. India will ALWAYS lag China, we have no Political/administration discipline.

BJP has its faults but at least it brings out the national pride and self esteem of an average Indian.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal