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Commi antics
by Srini on Jun 21, 2008 02:38 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Commies are what they are today because of West Bengal and Kerala.
The Bengalibabu finally seems to realise his folly and can see some light at the end of the tunnel, if the recent election results in West Bengal are any indication.
Kerala always alternates between Congress & Commies.
So friends it may not be long before we have a Commie free parliament. In the next parliament commies could be washed out, what a releif after all the antics they displayed durings these five years.
They are part of the Government but to fool the public they also take out rally's against the Government, criticise the Govt.

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  RE:Commi antics
by R Balasubramanian on Jun 21, 2008 05:46 PM   Permalink
but do remember they have done so much damage which will last long for morethan a century for the country to recover. Bengalis and Malayalees have not learnt even after repeated failures of commies to deliver goods while they were in power. They only knows why they need only commies in power in their states. It is tragedy that, congress allined with them to form government which goes to prove beyond doubt that, they are power hungers.

Balasubramanian - Bangalore

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  RE:Commi antics
by Arijit on Jun 21, 2008 04:49 PM   Permalink
I guess, in addition to biased opinion without any remedy as well as sufficient logics behind these erratic behaviour of Cummies, you have revealed your psychological illness in regard to a Community called BENGALI. Whatever you have preached is called regionalism. the problem of India is to bank upon this regionalism too. Because of this problem many potential elements have not yet been solved! I advise you not to preach such regionalism and criticise the UPA in a more logical way! Please remember Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yechuri, Surjit Singh, Brinda Karat, and many cummies who are decision-makers are not from West Bengal. West Bengal is a part of India and people of West Bengal as well as Kerala, Tripura are oppressed by these Comprador Bourgeois. Regimented Stalinism is being preached particularly in West Bengal. The incidences are known to all. Even media is being purchased by cummies. IBN, CNN-IBN, NDTV and there are several national TV channels and news papers which have been purchased by these KULAKS. I would be very happy if a combined effort can be thrashed upon these NEO-PROLETARIATS without having your Regionalism in mind! Thanks!

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  RE:Commi antics
by Charly Brown on Jun 21, 2008 03:04 PM   Permalink
The commies will not agree to the deal since it will benefit India and they do not want India to progress more than China.

Had a similar deal come from China, they would have called everyone names if the deal is not signed.

anyway commies days are numbered after the next election.

they may be showing a brave face, but actually they are shit scared of their future.

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  RE:Commi antics
by RAVINDRA JOSHI on Jun 21, 2008 07:57 PM   Permalink
Why only Commies are scared of their future, the congress ias also not sure of their own future.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal